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Showing posts from April, 2011

Beautiful Places #3

GH Universal Studios! Oops, salah, I mean Hotel not Studio. Hohoho. This is my dream wedding place *_*. Arsitekturnya bergaya Renaissance-udah kayak istana di Eropa sana. Jadi inget ama Westminster Abbey-nya Prince William ama Kate Middleton. Hehe. This is the view at night : Pas googling, sempet liat hotel ini mau dijual 300 milyar. Hotel yang sekarang itu udah ada yang beli atau masih dalam status dijual ya? Hmm. Kita coba masuk ke dalem 'istana' ini yuk...  

am I a good friend?

I can't completely understand what happened today. Maybe it's just my personal feeling. Sahabat saya menangis, dan saya hanya bisa terus mengikutinya tanpa suara. Sesenggukan, dan hening. I try to ask and care for her, really. But I think that's not enough. Banyak imajinasi muncul dalam pikiran saya. But the point is, mungkin saya terlalu terfokus pada bagaimana dia harus cerita dan berbagi sama saya, BUKAN pada apa yang dia alami sebenarnya. So, until this time I'm still a selfish person! Right? And then she go, with destination nowhere. And I'm just thinking that she chose her other bestfriend to share with! Still selfish, az. And unexpectedly, tiba-tiba dia datang ke rumah sahabat yang lain. Still silent. I just wondering, Why she chose to go there? Why she crying without sharing anything? What happen to her? Why she didn't come to me? STILL, selfish.